Monday, 27 July 2015


After seeing all the posts about Human Hungry Hippo's we couldnt pass up the opportunity to try it for ourselves.
Such a FUN activity and another easy one to organize.

We collected 4 Large Banana Boxes, 100 Coloured balloons, and 4 skateboards.
Teams were arranged and sent to the 4 corners of the gym .
Each team was given one box and one skateboard  and all Balloons were put into the center of the hall.
On the whistle each team sent two players in as Hippos....  One on skateboard and one holding their feet in wheelbarrow style  (we had thought about using the rope like we had seen on other pages, however glad we chose this option as it eliminated any injuries we could just see happening with the other methods)
Scrambling to collect as many balloons in their box and drag them back to the team, where two new team members set off to get more.

We chose ONE colour Balloon that only had a few of its colour as the BONUS balloon - Each Bonus Balloon scored 50 points compared to 10 points for every other balloon.
Teams played until all balloons were collected.........  I think we played about 4 or 5 rounds in an hour.  SUPER FUN.

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