Friday, 14 February 2014

Put your HEART into Personal Progress - Motivator

Being February and Valentines month I wanted to throw in a "heart felt" motivator to encourage Personal Progress participation.  I am sewing little Hanging hearts to go along with the card to hang on a door or mirror (pretty hearts with ribbon and lace) to remind the girls to find time each day to allow personal Progress to touch their hearts.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Tangled the Movie and Young Women - Daughters of a King

Our Young Women are just a "little obsessed" with Disney Princess Movies - especially Tangled and Frozen.  The girls asked if we could have a movie night to watch one of them together - and so we are watching Tangled (Frozen is still out in the cinema's - so we will wait on that one)  
Tangled also is the perfect movie to remind the YW that we are all indeed daughters of a King.... (perfect to go along with our current Come Follow Me lessons in Jan and Feb)

I found the FHE lesson for Tangled on and have adapted the story to share tonight at our movie night........ along with this handout with the wonderful quote from President Hinkley.

I am printing the above pic on cardboard - and cutting out around the book shape.  I will crease in the book center and then add a small peice of red ribbon as the bookmark.